There are additional fees associated with Net Energy Metering (NEM) 2.0
Pay a one time Interconnection fee of $144 to PG&E.
All solar customers must enroll in Time of Use (TOU) rate schedule.
Customers will pay approximate 2-3 cents per kWh (or about $6-$8 per month) of non-bypassable charges on all energy consumed by the grid, even if offset by solar energy. The monies will be put towards public purpose programs.
For a limited time, Clean Solar GUARANTEES the benefits of Net Energy Metering 1.0 for new clients OR we'll put $500 towards the initial fees of Net Energy Metering 2.0.
Net Energy Metering (NEM) optimizes the rate of return on your solar investment.
Allows customers to Zero out their bills
Credits customers accounts at full retail rate
PG&E accurately captures energy generated and consumed, providing customers with annual performance data in a True-Up bill
Homeowners currently enrolled in the NEM 1.0 tariff are "grandfathered" for 20 years from the date PG&E issues "Permission to Operate" (PTO) until the date of the homeowner's first True-Up in the twenty-first (21st) year.